Other languages
Below you will find information in different languages. Among other things, you can read about why the electricity prices are so high right now, the difference between electric grid and electric trade, as well as more information about how to use the green bag "Gröna Påsen".
Af Soomaali (Somaliska)
(Arabiska) عربي
تصنيفات مخلفات الطعام بأستخدام الكيس الأخظر
(Farsi) فارسی
جدا كردن ضايعات غداءى باآستفاده آز كيسهءى سبز
(Kurdiska) Kurdî
The electricity contract and the electricity supply agreement
On this site have we gathered information about the electricity agreement and the electricity supply agreement in several different languages.
Español (Spanska)
Bosanski (Bosniska)
Hrvatski (Kroatiska)
Ugovor o opskrbi električnom energijom
Kurdî (Kurdiska)
Српски (Serbiska)
Polski (Polska)
Umowa na dostawę energii elektrycznej