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How can I save electricity at home?

What is “normal energy consumption” for a house?

Energy consumption can vary greatly from one household to the next. It is affected by factors such as what type of heating you use, where in the country you live, how old your house is, and how many people live there.

A standard house with directly applied electricity (electric heating) uses 20,000–25,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) per year on average. If you use a form of heating other than directly applied electricity – for example, district heating, an air heat pump or geothermal heating – then your electricity consumption will normally be around 5,000 kWh per year, i.e. between a quarter and a fifth of the “direct electricity” figure. In other words, if you use directly applied electricity and want to reduce your electricity consumption, the most effective way to do so is to switch to a different heating method.

What is “normal energy consumption” for an apartment?

Electricity consumption in apartments varies greatly, and there are many factors that have an impact on it. The electricity supply company Bixia, which is a part of Tekniska verken, has published an article that describes concepts including “average consumption”. It also looks at other aspects that it may be good to know if you live in an apartment. Read Bixia’s article about electricity consumption for people who live in an apartment.

How can I see my electricity consumption?

If you are one of our customers, you can track statistics for the services you use from month to month on My Pages (Mina sidor). If Bixia is your electricity supply company, you can likewise track your electricity consumption on their My Pages (Mina sidor). Other electricity supply companies often offer the same option.

Five tips for how to save energy on your heating

If you use something other than district heating to heat your home, there are several things you can do to save energy on your heating.

1. Lower the temperature

Try lowering the temperature in your home by one or two degrees. If you live in a house, every degree you lower the temperature will reduce your energy consumption for heating by around five percent. It can also be pleasant to have a slightly lower temperature in the bedroom when you go to sleep. Another good idea is to lower the temperature even further in rooms you do not use, or if you go away for a few days.

2. Insulate more

If you want to save energy and money, it is a good idea to improve the insulation in your home. Seal draughty windows and doors – don’t forget any terrace doors! If you have a home with a draughty attic, as much as 15 percent of the heating you use may actually escape through the roof.

3. Bleed radiators and give them space

Check that your radiators and thermostats are working as they should, and make sure they are not turned up unnecessarily high. Bleed your radiators to maintain an even temperature throughout your home. Make sure not to place furniture close in front of radiators, and do not allow long, heavy curtains to cover them. The heat needs to be able to circulate freely in the room.

4. Air out quickly – and close doors

Use through draught instead of fans to air out your home or to lower the temperature when it is hot outside. Don’t forget to close doors to cold areas and make sure not to leave windows open unnecessarily in the winter.

5. Make good use of your blinds

If you pull down your blinds and close them during the night, this will help keep the heat indoors.

Reduce your electricity costs at home

Here, we help you to track down the hidden “energy thieves” in different areas of your home, and explain what you can do to deal with them.

Avoid “standby” mode

You can save up to 200 kWh per year by turning off electrical equipment completely. A good hint is to use extension cables with on/off switches so that you can switch off several devices at the same time.

Disconnect chargers from the mains

As long as a charger remains in a plug socket, it will keep on using electricity (although not as much). This applies to all chargers – for mobile phones, electric toothbrushes, etc. In addition, chargers can overheat and become a fire risk.

Choose energy-smart electronics

Check the energy labelling when buying a vacuum cleaner, TV, refrigerator or other domestic appliances as this will help you make energy-smart choices. You can find out more about energy labelling from the Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten).

Do you absolutely have to have the latest model?

Newly manufactured electronic devices have a huge impact on the climate. Did you know that a new laptop generates almost 1,200 kg of waste from its manufacture, packaging and transport – and when it ends up as electronic scrap at the end of its service life? A new mobile phone leads to 86 kg of waste. So the next time you are looking to buy a new electronic device, think about whether you can simply repair your existing device instead, or whether you can find a used replacement on the popular “buy and sell” sites.

Switch to energy-efficient lights

LED, halogen or low-energy lights are the best options. An LED light uses 80 percent less electricity and lasts fully 25 times longer than a standard filament bulb.

Right light in the right place

It is extremely important to have the right lighting in the right place. Use stronger lighting in places where you work, and softer general lighting in other areas. This not only provides more pleasant lighting, but it also helps reduce electricity consumption. Rooms with light-coloured walls and floors do not need as much lighting as darker rooms.

Turn the light off when you don’t need it

To save electricity, always turn the lights off when you leave a room. Do you need help to remember to do this? A number of aids are available, including light sensors, motion detectors, timers and smart lighting solutions that you can control through smartphone apps.

Think about outdoor lighting

For your outdoor lighting, you can install a twilight sensor that turns the lights off when there is sufficient daylight, or a motion detector that turns the lighting on when someone comes close to the light fixture. This means that your outdoor lighting is not switched on unnecessarily.


Take quick showers

You can save both water and money by spending less time in the shower. A ten-minute shower typically uses up 5 kWh and 120 litres of hot water. One good tip is to turn off the water while you soap your body.

Turn down the underfloor heating

On average, underfloor heating uses between 150 and 300 kWh per square metre and per year. By reducing the heating just a few degrees – and turning it off completely when you are away – you can cut your energy consumption without compromising on comfort.

Get rid of the heated towel rail

A lot of people leave their heated towel rail on 24 hours a day; don’t forget to turn it off when you’re not using it. Or why not get rid of it completely? Towels dry well even without added heat. A standard size heated towel rail uses around 60 W per day.

Water-saving shower heads

By replacing your shower heads with water-saving models, you can save 50–80 percent on both the water you use and the cost of heating it (depending on what shower heads you already use).

Keep the right temperature in your fridge and freezer

Make sure to set the right temperature in both your refrigerator and your freezer. The recommended temperature for refrigerators is +4–5 degrees Celsius, while for freezers it is -18 degrees. Every degree colder increases energy consumption by around five percent. Let your food cool down before putting it in the fridge or freezer.

Fill the dishwasher

Always fill your dishwasher before running a programme and choose a lower washing temperature – this is often enough to produce an equally good result.

Clean the rear of your fridge

A dusty condenser can increase electricity consumption by as much as 25 percent.

Boil water smarter

Remember to put lids on pans when boiling water on your cooker, because this requires only a third as much energy as boiling with the lid off. Another good idea is to use your electric kettle to heat water for cooking – this is quicker and uses less energy.

Fill the washing machine

Always wash full loads. No matter whether the machine is full or only half-full of washing, it will still use almost the same amount of energy. If you have only worn a garment once or twice, it may be sufficient to air it out instead of washing it.

Let the washing dry on its own

Air-dry your washing – ideally outdoors – instead of using a drying cabinet or a tumble dryer.

Use the economy programme

Use the washing machine’s economy programme to deal with lightly soiled washing. This uses less energy and the washing will be finished quicker. And drop the pre-wash, if possible.

Wash at lower temperatures

Wash at a lower temperature where possible. Choosing 40 degrees rather than 60 degrees can cut the energy consumption almost in half. Check the washing instructions on the clothes.

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How to be electricity-smart 24 hours a day

There is also potential to spread your electricity consumption more evenly across all the hours of the day. For example, you could run your dishwasher at night or plan to have your electric vehicle charging mainly during the night. In this way, you can wake up to clean cups, plates and glasses in the morning – and to a fully charged car – at the same time as reducing the load on the electricity grid (elnätet).

If your agreement is based on hourly rates, you can also benefit from the fact that the spot price (spotpriset) is generally lower at night. Click here to read more about the spot price (spotpris).

En person fyller på vatten i en vattenkanna i köket

How much does a kilowatt hour (kilowattimme – kWh) cover?

Do you know how much electricity your morning shower uses? Or how much energy a heated towel rail actually consumes? Examine your electricity consumption in depth and find out how many electrical devices a single kilowatt hour (kWh) powers – and for how long – in your home.