Carbon Capture Utilization (CCU) and Carbon Capture Storage (CCS)
We are investigating different technologies to capture, utilise and store carbon dioxide from our biogas, heat and electricity production facilities. This is an important part of our work to contribute to Linköping's goal of a fossil-free 2045.
Carbon capture from the production of district heating and electricity
In our energy system, we produce district heating and electricity by recycling waste. This is a resource-efficient way of dealing with the waste generated in society. At the same time, we know that the waste is partly of fossil origin and gives rise to fossil carbon dioxide emissions.
Exploring the opportunities and challenges of carbon capture
We are investigating the opportunities and challenges of separating carbon dioxide from flue gases at the heat and electricity production facilities at Gärstad in Linköping. The techniques involve either:
- collecting the carbon dioxide to use it or to
- pump the carbon dioxide deep into the ground, such as in the North Sea. Carbon dioxide is stored in geological formations in the ground. There, over time, it is naturally converted into carbonaceous minerals. This reduces the climate impact, as the carbon dioxide does not reach the atmosphere. The effect is to remove carbon dioxide from the cycle.
Monitoring new legislation and future policy instruments
We are monitoring new legislation and future policy instruments in this area together with industry associations to continue working on this important issue.
Support from the Swedish Energy Agency
With support from the Swedish Energy Agency, we are conducting a study in 2023 and 2024 that will contribute to knowledge about carbon capture from waste incineration plants with flue gases from two separate cogeneration units. The study also looks at transport and logistics from Gärstad to a geological storage site in the North Sea.