Services for the regional market

Tekniska verken is an integral part of everyday life for our 260,000 private and business customers, providing services that make life easier. They include electricity, lighting, water, district heating, district cooling, waste management, broadband, biogas, efficient energy solutions as well as electricity trading.

Waste management

Tekniska verken manages all types of waste from households and businesses, through recycling centres and customer-specific solutions. We provide a comprehensive network for receiving and sorting goods from households and industries and our recycling centres at Gärstad, Ullstämma and Malmen in Linköping, as well as Vika in Katrineholm, are extremely popular. 

Linköping sort household food waste into a Green Bag which is then collected at the same time as other household waste. At the sorting facility the Green Bags are automatically separated and the waste is used to produce biogas and bio-fertiliser. 

More information about the Green Bag (pdf)

District heating - energy from waste

Waste plays a central role in Tekniska verken´s energy system. Sorted household and industrial waste is the basic resource among renewable fuels for energy recovery at the Gärstad plant. By the simultaneous production of district heating, cooling and electricity through energy recovery from waste and other
renewable fuels, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is reduced. Production is based primarily at the Gärstadverket plant and the district heating power plant, as well as at our 38 hydropower stations. More than 90 percent of the households in Linköping are heated by district heating from Tekniska verken. We also supply district heating to Katrineholm, Borensberg, Kisa, Skärblacka, Åtvidaberg and Mjölby-Svartådalen Energi.

At the Gärstad plant, waste from over thirty municipalities and recycling companies is incinerated for energy recovery. The Gärstad plant has the capacity to incinerate a total of 420,000 tons of sorted waste per year. Currently, less than five percent of household waste goes to landfill.

High-quality water

Water is perhaps our most valuable renewable resource. We purify water from lakes and watercourses so that it can be consumed and used in our homes. And we purify waste water before it returns to nature. We collect rainwater and transport it away. In our laboratories, we safeguard the quality of the water. Linköping has around 2,000 km of pipes carrying drinking water, waste water and rain­water. Every resident of Linköping uses approximately 200 litres of water every day – water which is taken from the River Stångån and Motala Ström, and delivered through our two water treatment plants, Råberga and Berggården.

Tekniska verken is investing heavily in Linköping’s two waterworks, partially to increase capacity and reliability of supply, but also to further improve purification and at the same time minimize the risk of parasites, bacteria and viruses entering the drinking water supply. Wastewater treatment is constantly evolving to meet increasingly stringent regulations. Tekniska verken´s aim is also to establish Sweden’s first full-scale treatment plant which is capable of breaking down pharmaceutical residues, which at present constitutes a high-risk problem for the ecosystem.

Electrical grid and street lightning

Tekniska verken is responsible for the electrical grid in the Municipality of Linköping, parts of the Municipality of Mjölby and large parts of the Municipality of Katrineholm. We also operate the main bulk of the public lighting network in Linköping and supply services within light designs and lighting in outdoor locations. The transition to new types of light sources is an important part of improving energy efficiency. We also provide maintenance, consulting and planning within the areas of mains network and outdoor lighting.

The regions's leading supplier of data communication services

A well-developed infrastructure for broadband is important for the development of society and the economy. Utsikt Bredband AB is one of the region’s leading suppliers of safe and fast data communication services for private individuals, businesses, operators and property owners. The company offers broadband using fibre with open competition between providers of Internet, TV and telephone services. Utsikt operates the urban net, the open local broadband networks, in Linköping, Katrineholm and Mjölby. The company is a joint venture between Tekniska verken and Mjölby- Svartådalen Energi AB.

Electricity from renewable sources

Tekniska verken is the majority owner of one of Sweden’s largest electricity trading companies, Bixia, where electricity produced from renewable sources dominates. The Group owns several small hydroelectric plants with investments in wind power increasing. This is part of the transition to renewable energy. Bixia has customers throughout Sweden, and is one of the electricity trading companies in Sweden which buys and sells the largest proportion of electricity produced by smallscale plants.

Clean vehicle fuel for the environment

Our subsidiary, Svensk Biogas, is involved in market development of biogas as a vehicle fuel. The establishment of filling stations for the general public is a vital part of our regional approach. The development of processes and production concepts are other essential tasks.

Contract, consulting and planning 

We can provide contract, consulting and planning services for new construction, operation and maintenance, project planning and emergency preparedness. They operate principally in the areas of water, waste, district heating, district cooling, electrical power, urban networks, property services and improving energy efficiency. 

Contact Customer services for more information. 

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